Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pinch me!!

Pinch me!  Is this real?  That’s exactly what my children said when they saw the Tuscan country side.  We left Venice and went to Florence where we got another rental car (will report on that later), and we went to a hillside town called San Gimignano.  It’s a mid-evil walled city that is amazing.  Our hotel  room has a balcony that overlooks the panoramic scenic side of the city.  All by chance, we had no idea that we would have this view.  And, truly the children said it didn’t look real.  Rolling hills of vineyards, villas, and cypress trees.   Everything looks like it has been touched by the sun.  the colors are rich and vibrant.   Breathtaking!!!  So much so that we have had a hard time leaving our “village”!  We did get in the car and make the trip to Pisa.  The “leaning Tower of Pisa” was a must even though Todd and I have already seen it.  I think it is such a cool structure.  Out of nowhere this tower just appears in front of you.  And, yes, it is leaning!  The children actually walked to the top.  Todd and I opted to lie on the steps and look up and take pictures as they made it to each level.  Right decision for sure!  We were going to do some more day trips, but we decided we wanted to kick back and enjoy San Gimignano.  The rental car situation did go a little better,  at least there were no flat tires this time.  But, there were a few screams and quick turns!  When we were in Pisa we rented one of those buggy bikes that we could all fit in.    Now that didn’t go so well!  Lots of screaming, people running off the road,  and a few side mirrors skimmed!  Bottom line, if it has wheels and Todd is driving……..look out!  The kids were laughing hysterically, me, not so much!  I had visions of being in a police car in Italy not just a tow truck in France!
The wine has been amazing!  All local and dirt cheap, so it’s fitting in our budget!!!  A great 3 days, completely different than the last week.  As a matter of fact, Todd and the children are playing hide-in-go-seek in the village and the castle ramparts right now.  Me, I’m sitting on our balcony with a glass of wine, thinking, laughing and typing!
Off to Florence tomorrow.  “David” is waiting on me!  We are there for a week and staying in an apartment.  I will probably try to cook a few meals, so it will be a normal week just like home.  We’ve got some fun things planned other than seeing David and the Uffizi.  We are all taking a cooking class together.  I’m forcing them all and using the card that I don’t ask for much.  I’m very excited!  And, the children are taking an art class.  It should be fun.  Todd hopes to get lots of work done.  He is never without his notebook and pen.  We have to stop all the time for him to write!   Somehow he has managed to put in about  8 hours of work a day and go and see all that we have.  We call him “superman” for a reason (and you thought it was because he looked like superman!).
I personally think that San Gimignano is a must stop on an Italy trip.  See you in Florence!!!
The Todd Zauggs want to send a huge “HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY BRAD”!  Today is Todd’s brothers 50th!
Hugs and kisses to all of you!  I will try to get some pictures up.  For some reason, it's difficult to do now.  Error in the (me) I'm sure!

Callie and Todd

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