Monday, October 3, 2011

Au Revoir Paris!

Good bye Paris!  Good bye paninis, good bye creme brulee, good bye Eiffel tower!  We leave Paris tomorrow morning early (Oct. 4th), and we are headed to the Loire Valley which is a region in France known as the valley of the castles.  As much as we hate to leave our little apartment, we are looking forward to some country side.  I've heard that the weather at home has been wonderful.  Well, we are hot here!  The temperature has broken records.  And, don't forget that there is no air conditioning and 3 million people!  We are hoping that the country will be a bit cooler!
Our last couple of days in Paris have been slow and relaxing!  We've gotten lots of school work done.  Todd ended the week with a scavenger hunt for the children (and me).  He wrote a riddle that was a map of clues to where he would be (he had planned to be sitting at an outdoor cafe).  The teams where the boys and the girls (me and Rainey).  Now, for those of you that think the girls had the upper hand, you are wrong.  As I said before, for some reason I could never get my directions straight.  I couldn't find my way out of a wet paper bag right now, and I'm usually great with directions!  Anyway, we all took off with the riddle and map in hand.  It was so fun.  Todd incoorporated landmarks, streets and monuments that we had walked by all week.  The girls won but of course foul play was called!
One of my favorite things of the week was being in Notre Dame, lighting candles, and praying for all of you.  I prayed for EVERYONE in my family by name:  Zauggs, Chancellors, and Coggins.  For some of you I was able to pray specifically, and for others I just prayed for you.  I also prayed for friends.  We all prayed.  It was a very special time.  This week has been about the simple things in life.  The things that should always be most important to me, but as you know, the world can take over!  Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers.  Thank you for the e-mials! 
Off to the valley for 2 days and then to Switzerland.  We are suppose to meet up with Todd's family in Switzerland.  That's going to be fun!  Love and miss you all!

Callie and Todd

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