Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Can't Wait!

I can't stand it!  I had to blog and we have only been in Florence for 2 days!  It's been a fun and fast 2 days.  We got here on Sunday with the rental car and remember how I said that it appeared that all had gone well......NOT!  There was the big dent and scrape along the top of the Fiat!  BUT, when you don't succeed, try again.  We got the extra insurance this time!!  Anyway, we got to our apartment which is wonderful.  Three bedrooms, so we have plenty of room.  Our first day in Florence (Monday) we took a day long cooking class.  Trust me when I say that I have hung over all of their heads that this is the least they can do for me!  I did some major praying all the way to the meeting spot.  At the meeting spot, we met a cute girl from Australia (Chancellor got interested at this point), got on the bus where 2 great couples were, rode to a beautiful villa outside of Florence, and proceeded to have a blast for the next 5 hrs.!  Our chef was Luciano who was great.  He wants to come to Memphis!  I knew Todd was in when he opened the first bottle of wine at 1:00, and we were off to the races!  Rainey jumped right in was making Tiramisu, pasta, and risotto.  Peyton had a blast making "funny pasta men" out of the pasta dough.  And at the end of the day, we broke bread with some wonderful people that we had spent the day with!  The Food was fantastic.  The experience was even better.  Can't wait to show you pictures.  The kitchen was unbelievable!
And then there was David............do I need to say anymore?  Michelangelo's David could be one of the most incredible things that I have ever seen!  It's magnificent and that's all there is to say about it.  Our friend, Joe Wade...again, said that he saw pictures that showed people seeing something.  Does that make sense?  And he knew immediately the picture that was showing peoples faces that were seeing David for the first time.  I get it!  And when you think about the story, a small boy that faces the giant and wins!!!  That's a success story right there.  Interesting that there are so many great stories and life lessons in the bible.  I'll let you ponder on that one for a while!
 Italy is absolutely fantastic.  We ate at the most incredible restaurant our first night here.  Thank you Cyndy Taylor for that recommendation!  The place is Il Latini, and it was the closest thing to a mosh pit I have ever been in.  We got there and there were all these people crowded around the front door.  I got seperated from Todd and couldn't get to him!  The restaurant people had to "part the sea" so I could get through!  They were people begging for a table!  You sit in this cool place and they just bring you food for days.  Of course, a huge jug of wine was on the table waiting for us.  No menus, just great Italian food.  We liked it so much that we made reservations again!
We do miss all of you!  Still having a great time.  Seeing life differently and definitely at a different pace!  We've already been in a ton of churches, and we usually sit and pray and even lite a candle or two for all of you.  So, with that in mind, I've got to report on a true miracle.  I got the greatest e-mail today.  My cousin Shannon found out she is going to have a baby!  Now, you've got to know, let's go back to the bible.  Remember Sarah that was so old she couldn't have a baby but really wanted one?  Well, Shannon is not quite as old as Sarah but close not to mention that she has had many challenges with trying to have a baby for years.  Actually, I think she had given up.  God's timing?  It's perfect!  I'm so excited for Shannon and Dan.  As a matter of fact, after hearing the news we went straight to the church, lite candles, and prayed!  Shannon and Dan, we love you and we are praying for that baby and you!!!!
Lot's of love and hugs!!!!!

Callie and Todd
trying to post pictures but seems a little challenging right now!

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