Sunday, October 9, 2011

Family is Family

It has been a great few days in Switzerland.  We got to Geneva on Oct. 6th, got settled in, and then we went to one of my favorite restaurants ever!  Our friend Joe Wade told us about Relais de l'Entrecote, and it is unbelievable.  All they serve is steak, french fries and salad.  The sauce on the steak is unbelievable!  Can you tell that I love to eat.  the joke has always been that I try to eat my way through Europe and now I've got my children trying to as well! 
We stayed in Geneva so that we could be close to Todd's family and make it easier to meet up with them.  We went to Lausanne on Saturday and met Todd's distant cousins, Benjamin, Maurice, and Sylvia.  It really felt so good to sit and visit.  It didn't matter that we had never met them, they are family, and we all enjoyed learning about each other and the family.  We ate at a traditional Swiss restaurant, and it was amazing.  Fondue, raclette, and rosti.  It was a neat experience!  We then took a train to Luzern.  What did we do?  Eat!  We even found a festival, hung out with the locals, and ate big giant sausages!  Todd said and I quote "I'm with my people"!
We leave for Venice early tomorrow.  Can't wait to get there!  Happy birthday Nanny!  Miss all of you!!
Will post pictures next!

Callie and Todd

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