Saturday, September 17, 2011

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

You know how in The Wizard of Oz in the end when the scarecrow gets a brain, but he really hadn't gotten a brain?????  Well, that's exactly what I feel like right now!  We all know that I don't have a brain, but after being in Washington, I sure do feel like I do!  How can you not?  This has been an amazing few days.  We have been non stop!  The first day we went to the White House (yes, I said the White House) and the Capital building.  And, that's a big thanks to my cousin Rainey Breaux for making that happen.  It was an all day event.  We even got to see the senate and house in session!  Way cool!  Then there was the Smithsonian!  Holy Cow!  I can assure you that your tax dollars are good at use.  The museums are incredible!  And, in the end, I did get my ruby red slippers (see picture)..........And, I do believe in somewhere over the rainbow!  There is no question that this has been an emotional 2 weeks.  Liberty.....freedom......justice.  Whether looking at the Abraham Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, or Washington Monument, there is a history that is still so relevant today.  You all are in for a treat.....Todd wanted to say a few words:

We are really using the blog format to make an electronic collection for our own diaries. With that in mind, where to begin? Have you ever felt as if you are so busy in your life that you never have the time to truly taste the food and enjoy the simple things that life has to offer? Have you ever wondered if life has always been this hectic? Have you ever truly, honestly, contemplated how different it is to live in the United States of America compared to other countries? Have you ever looked at pictures of our service men and women and thought "what makes them want to join? what drives them to want to protect us? why would someone put themselves in harms way?...........and realized that there is a possibility that their answers  to those questions seem awkwardly distant from yours? Have you ever felt disconnected from our larger community known as the USA and just as importantly felt helpless in participating in a government that seems like King Kong (and a King Kong that is out of that has moved too far away from its original ideals?). Have you started feeling that singing the national anthem has been a "going through the motions'? this has been a reinvigorating trip that has massaged my patriotism and further underscored my intent to create a life that is congruent with personal values. I have been able to most of the answers to these questions honestly and then pursued to correct the ones that left me feeling uncomfortable. Here is why:
I'm having the opportunity to share powerful experiences with my children that we will all carry forever. This is congruent with my deep desire to have a meaningful relationship with my children (not as a co-enabler, but as a vessel to prepare them to be healthy individuals, citizens and productive citizens. I get to answer questions and pose questions that force my children to consider "how grateful and humble" we need to be as human beings and as a nation. We have seen with our own eyes how powerful an idea can be: LIBERTY, Freedom from Tyranny, separation of church and state,  a government by the people for the people.  We saw how our founding fathers had planned carefully to be prepared for the redcoats and that is how Paul Revere's ride, at 1:30am , initially set 400 farmers into action and that that number grew to 4,000 within 7 hours. Can you imagine the passion, sacrifice, and courage it took for our continental farmers (ooops, they were called the continental army) to form up at the last minute and beat the British? The average citizen and wealthy citizens joined a cause that could and would cause death because of the idea and concept of FREEDOM? Our country survived by a thread to win the war and then lived in a constant stress of internal extinction for the next 40 years!!!

The Arlington Cemetery was another moment that shook me up. White tombstones as far as the eye can see, scattered across a deep green background of grass, trees and manicured foliage. Entire families that gave themselves to the services of the nation. Arlington Cemetery is the most expensive piece of property on the planet because all the lives that were lost in support of the idea (you remember? the idea of my and your ability to be free?).  It is eerily quiet, with rolling hills, and a soft afternoon breeze that seems to beckon your attention to the sacrifice, the sacrifice, the sacrifice!!!  Arlington cemetery helps make all the other challenges in my life seem to be little inconveniences.

Off to Philadelphia.........and being a slave to Callie's (school principal, teacher, tour guide extraordinaire) schedule of events!!!!!!!
Todd and Callie

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