Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Since my aunt was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I have been wearing a LIVE STRONG bracelet.  I have loved wearing that bright yellow, rubber bracelet.  It has been a constant reminder of my aunt and the fight she has made and might have to make, a reminder to pray constantly for her, friends, and their families that have this terrible disease, and for a cure.  It has also been a reminder to me to really LIVE STRONG.  It's been a year and a half since I put this bracelet on, and I took it off and gave it to Peyton.  We've all been wearing one, and Peyton lost his and was so disappointed.  But, now I know that LIVE STRONG has become our mantra- A mantra that's inside of us, not just on a yellow rubber bracelet.  The mantra that has helped make all this happen!
This has been an amazing 2 weeks on the east coast (yes, I need to come up with another adjective other than amazing, but I'm doing my best here!).  As our freedom trail tour comes to an end, LIVE  STRONG means so much more.  This country has...did...and will LIVE STRONG.  Better understanding our founding fathers and our country's history has been and eye opener for me.  Like I said, forget the children, I've learned so much!  Surely I will get an A in American history!  I know our current administration has people concerned, but that does not take away anything that this country has fought for and worked for.  Keep the faith that this country will LIVE STRONG!
Philly was fast and fun.  The Liberty Bell was incredible, Independence Hall (where the constitution was signed) was overwhelming.  We ate lots of Philly cheese steaks (Tony Lukes of course,which was featured on Man vs. Food).  We did a ghost tour one night that was lots of fun.  It's way cool to be in John Adams' old watering hole and where George and Martha Washington celebrated their 20th anniversary.  But, as much as I hate to admit this, the highlight of the trip was running the "Rocky steps."  The children and I raced up the steps, threw our arms in the air, and yelled "Adrianne"!!!  It was hilarious, and yes, people were looking at us like we were crazy!  We ended our Philly visit with meeting Vince Papale, the guy the movie Invincible was about.  He was great and claims he ran the steps first , and the Rocky movie stole the idea from him!
Well, the "Love Boat" sets sail again this Sat.  I say the Love Boat because I do feel like Julie the tour director, but also because of how I've seen this family interact.  It's hard to explain, but I've seen more of a since of respect, love and understanding between the children.  I think they are really getting this whole idea!  Now don't get me wrong.  I've had to talk through gritted teeth and pursed lips at times.  and, for some reason, they think a hotel room is a WWF wrestling ring, so imagine the joy I have in being the referee!  Ha!
Thank you all for your e-mails.  All of you have said this blogging thing is complicated, and you'll just respond by e-mail!  I've loved hearing from all of you!  thank you friends for handling the home front and sweet Samson.  Sorry you had to step in and take over!  As Dorothy said, there's no place like home!  We're looking forward to 2 days home then off to Paris!  Love to all of you!  Remember:  LIVE STRONG.....BE STRONG.....LOVE STRONG!  See you in Paris!

Callie and Todd
By the way, you know how we packed in small carry on suitcases.  That should explain why we are always wearing the same clothes in all the pictures! 

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