Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Live By the Sword

Live by the sword, die by the sword......Practice what you preach.......You get what I'm trying to say.  I've had a dose of my own words these past 2 days.  This has been the most incredible 2 days.  Crazy does not even come close to describing it.  Let's start at the beginning.  We got to New York, went to lunch, and checked in to our hotel.  This was Monday the 12th.  It was 3:30.  We were in our hotel room, and Peyton told me the U. S. Open Men's finals started at 4:00.  I looked at the children and said let's go!!!!  We were in Times Square at that time.  We got on the subway, scalped tickets, and got in, and the first set was just at 3-2!  It really is one of the craziest things I've done! The U. S. Open was amazing!  The crowd and arena was electrifying.  There were movie stars, crazy New York Fans, and great tennis.  A bucket list item for sure!  And that's just the beginning.  The next day we went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  Incredible!  We have flown around the Statue of Liberty, but this time we went inside of her and up on her pedestal.  It was amazing.  I found myself weepy.  If anyone needs a boost of patriotism, that's a great way to do it.  It's really overwhelming what this country has done.  Then we went on to Ellis Island which was also unbelievable.  More weeping!  To walk in the same building that the immigrants walked in was so neat.  But, to make it even more special, it's the walk that Todd's grandfather made in 1911.  On Ellis Island, there is a family research center that you can go in and research members.  The children and I went in and researched Joseph Peter Zaugg.  It was the coolest thing ever.  We felt like we were on the movie National Treasure, and we even got a tube with all his information in it.  Real documents with his manifest, ship, and were he was going.  More weeping!  the children were in awe!  One of the most special moments for sure!  And if that wasn't enough, we ended the night with a visit to the Fox New's headquarters.  My sweet friend, Shannon Jones, hooked me up with her brother, Thor Whitmire.  I mean Luke Whitmire.  Never mind that he looked like Thor.  Todd joined us, and we got to see the Hannity show being broadcast live.  Way cool!  The bonus was that Bobby Bowden was Hannity's guest.  Chancellor was dying!  We got to meet him.  If any of you have watched the Hannity show, he throws a football to someone (you can't see the someone).  Chancellor was the someone!  It did take him 2 tries to catch, but he did, and Bobby Bowden started asking him questions about where he played football!!!!  Can I say action packed again?  An unbelievable 2 days.  And, for those of you that might be concerned about New York, there are police everywhere.  Security is crazy.  But, die by the sword, well, you know what I would with that sword if I had to live in New York.........Off to Washington!  I wanted to post pictures, but I'm out of time.  I'm going to try and post pictures tonight from Boston and New York.

Callie and Todd 

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