Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bon Jour!

We are in Paris!  We touched down on a beautiful morning.  The sun was just coming up on the horizon, and as we were coming in the Eiffel tower was bigger than ever.  You knew you were in Paris.  I so wish I could have seen my children's faces when they saw that sight.  No, we were not all sitting together.  As Todd and I said it felt like we were on a puddle jumper going to Europe, but what do you expect when you leave from Cincinatti?  You'll do anything to save money on 5 tickets to Europe. The good news is that the children thought it was the biggest plane they have ever seen!  The trip and arrival was uneventful. The kids were happy that the taxi driver was playing "American" music!  We are in a great apartment.  There is a Prada shop and Fergagamo shop right across the street.  No, it is not a grand apartment in a grand area, but that just lets you know how fashion and shopping are a part of the Parisian life.  Which leads me to a new "bucket list" item for me.  I want to come to Paris on a girls shopping trip!  I want to stop and look in every window and the rest of my group has no desire!  I asked Todd if it would hurt his feelings and he said no, sounds like fun!  Girls, get ready!  We went to the Louvre today.  I love that place. The "Winged Victory" statue gets me every time.  I'm feeling like Winged Victory right now!  We've made it, and everyone is settling in well.  We went to an unbelievable grocery store today.  No, it wasn't a grocery store.  It was a grocery mall, and I'm not kidding!  I was in heaven!  Tomorrow we are seeing Notre Dam.  I can't wait!  Hoping to see the Hunch Back!  I have to tell you about our first dinning experience.  We had landed, got to the apartment, and had a rest before we went for lunch (remember we were landing at sunrise!).  We were all looking good let me tell you!  And, on top of the major jet lag, I had an eyebrow and lip waxing that didn't go very well, so I looked like the joker from Batman (that's my new nickname!).  So, we are sitting having a wonderful lunch and this beautiful Parisian woman sits next to us.  Of course, I sink in my seat and look at her in awe and think to myself, REALLY?  The next day I see her face on a huge Fendi billboard and say Thank goodness!  She was Fendi's model!
I was having a conversation with my Aunt and telling her how smooth this entire adventure is going.  She promptly reminded me that there were so many people praying for that!  Thank you for all your prayers!  God and I have planned this adventure.  Todd and I have asked God to guide us in all aspects of this.  Even the small details of where we stay, who we meet, and what we see!  God is good.
So, I'll end with "joie de vivre" which means celebrating life.  Todd and I are sitting in our apartment with a glass of wine listening to Andre Bocelli!!
Love to all of you!

Callie and Todd

Saturday, September 24, 2011

All Aboard!

We are at the airport waiting for our flight to Paris.  The children are so excited!  Looking forward to reports from Europe.  Already worried about what Peyton is going to eat!  Here are the pictures from Philly!  Hope all of you are well! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Since my aunt was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I have been wearing a LIVE STRONG bracelet.  I have loved wearing that bright yellow, rubber bracelet.  It has been a constant reminder of my aunt and the fight she has made and might have to make, a reminder to pray constantly for her, friends, and their families that have this terrible disease, and for a cure.  It has also been a reminder to me to really LIVE STRONG.  It's been a year and a half since I put this bracelet on, and I took it off and gave it to Peyton.  We've all been wearing one, and Peyton lost his and was so disappointed.  But, now I know that LIVE STRONG has become our mantra- A mantra that's inside of us, not just on a yellow rubber bracelet.  The mantra that has helped make all this happen!
This has been an amazing 2 weeks on the east coast (yes, I need to come up with another adjective other than amazing, but I'm doing my best here!).  As our freedom trail tour comes to an end, LIVE  STRONG means so much more.  This country has...did...and will LIVE STRONG.  Better understanding our founding fathers and our country's history has been and eye opener for me.  Like I said, forget the children, I've learned so much!  Surely I will get an A in American history!  I know our current administration has people concerned, but that does not take away anything that this country has fought for and worked for.  Keep the faith that this country will LIVE STRONG!
Philly was fast and fun.  The Liberty Bell was incredible, Independence Hall (where the constitution was signed) was overwhelming.  We ate lots of Philly cheese steaks (Tony Lukes of course,which was featured on Man vs. Food).  We did a ghost tour one night that was lots of fun.  It's way cool to be in John Adams' old watering hole and where George and Martha Washington celebrated their 20th anniversary.  But, as much as I hate to admit this, the highlight of the trip was running the "Rocky steps."  The children and I raced up the steps, threw our arms in the air, and yelled "Adrianne"!!!  It was hilarious, and yes, people were looking at us like we were crazy!  We ended our Philly visit with meeting Vince Papale, the guy the movie Invincible was about.  He was great and claims he ran the steps first , and the Rocky movie stole the idea from him!
Well, the "Love Boat" sets sail again this Sat.  I say the Love Boat because I do feel like Julie the tour director, but also because of how I've seen this family interact.  It's hard to explain, but I've seen more of a since of respect, love and understanding between the children.  I think they are really getting this whole idea!  Now don't get me wrong.  I've had to talk through gritted teeth and pursed lips at times.  and, for some reason, they think a hotel room is a WWF wrestling ring, so imagine the joy I have in being the referee!  Ha!
Thank you all for your e-mails.  All of you have said this blogging thing is complicated, and you'll just respond by e-mail!  I've loved hearing from all of you!  thank you friends for handling the home front and sweet Samson.  Sorry you had to step in and take over!  As Dorothy said, there's no place like home!  We're looking forward to 2 days home then off to Paris!  Love to all of you!  Remember:  LIVE STRONG.....BE STRONG.....LOVE STRONG!  See you in Paris!

Callie and Todd
By the way, you know how we packed in small carry on suitcases.  That should explain why we are always wearing the same clothes in all the pictures! 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Somewhere Over The Rainbow pictures!

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

You know how in The Wizard of Oz in the end when the scarecrow gets a brain, but he really hadn't gotten a brain?????  Well, that's exactly what I feel like right now!  We all know that I don't have a brain, but after being in Washington, I sure do feel like I do!  How can you not?  This has been an amazing few days.  We have been non stop!  The first day we went to the White House (yes, I said the White House) and the Capital building.  And, that's a big thanks to my cousin Rainey Breaux for making that happen.  It was an all day event.  We even got to see the senate and house in session!  Way cool!  Then there was the Smithsonian!  Holy Cow!  I can assure you that your tax dollars are good at use.  The museums are incredible!  And, in the end, I did get my ruby red slippers (see picture)..........And, I do believe in somewhere over the rainbow!  There is no question that this has been an emotional 2 weeks.  Liberty.....freedom......justice.  Whether looking at the Abraham Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, or Washington Monument, there is a history that is still so relevant today.  You all are in for a treat.....Todd wanted to say a few words:

We are really using the blog format to make an electronic collection for our own diaries. With that in mind, where to begin? Have you ever felt as if you are so busy in your life that you never have the time to truly taste the food and enjoy the simple things that life has to offer? Have you ever wondered if life has always been this hectic? Have you ever truly, honestly, contemplated how different it is to live in the United States of America compared to other countries? Have you ever looked at pictures of our service men and women and thought "what makes them want to join? what drives them to want to protect us? why would someone put themselves in harms way?...........and realized that there is a possibility that their answers  to those questions seem awkwardly distant from yours? Have you ever felt disconnected from our larger community known as the USA and just as importantly felt helpless in participating in a government that seems like King Kong (and a King Kong that is out of that has moved too far away from its original ideals?). Have you started feeling that singing the national anthem has been a "going through the motions'? this has been a reinvigorating trip that has massaged my patriotism and further underscored my intent to create a life that is congruent with personal values. I have been able to most of the answers to these questions honestly and then pursued to correct the ones that left me feeling uncomfortable. Here is why:
I'm having the opportunity to share powerful experiences with my children that we will all carry forever. This is congruent with my deep desire to have a meaningful relationship with my children (not as a co-enabler, but as a vessel to prepare them to be healthy individuals, citizens and productive citizens. I get to answer questions and pose questions that force my children to consider "how grateful and humble" we need to be as human beings and as a nation. We have seen with our own eyes how powerful an idea can be: LIBERTY, Freedom from Tyranny, separation of church and state,  a government by the people for the people.  We saw how our founding fathers had planned carefully to be prepared for the redcoats and that is how Paul Revere's ride, at 1:30am , initially set 400 farmers into action and that that number grew to 4,000 within 7 hours. Can you imagine the passion, sacrifice, and courage it took for our continental farmers (ooops, they were called the continental army) to form up at the last minute and beat the British? The average citizen and wealthy citizens joined a cause that could and would cause death because of the idea and concept of FREEDOM? Our country survived by a thread to win the war and then lived in a constant stress of internal extinction for the next 40 years!!!

The Arlington Cemetery was another moment that shook me up. White tombstones as far as the eye can see, scattered across a deep green background of grass, trees and manicured foliage. Entire families that gave themselves to the services of the nation. Arlington Cemetery is the most expensive piece of property on the planet because all the lives that were lost in support of the idea (you remember? the idea of my and your ability to be free?).  It is eerily quiet, with rolling hills, and a soft afternoon breeze that seems to beckon your attention to the sacrifice, the sacrifice, the sacrifice!!!  Arlington cemetery helps make all the other challenges in my life seem to be little inconveniences.

Off to Philadelphia.........and being a slave to Callie's (school principal, teacher, tour guide extraordinaire) schedule of events!!!!!!!
Todd and Callie

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Live By the Sword

Live by the sword, die by the sword......Practice what you preach.......You get what I'm trying to say.  I've had a dose of my own words these past 2 days.  This has been the most incredible 2 days.  Crazy does not even come close to describing it.  Let's start at the beginning.  We got to New York, went to lunch, and checked in to our hotel.  This was Monday the 12th.  It was 3:30.  We were in our hotel room, and Peyton told me the U. S. Open Men's finals started at 4:00.  I looked at the children and said let's go!!!!  We were in Times Square at that time.  We got on the subway, scalped tickets, and got in, and the first set was just at 3-2!  It really is one of the craziest things I've done! The U. S. Open was amazing!  The crowd and arena was electrifying.  There were movie stars, crazy New York Fans, and great tennis.  A bucket list item for sure!  And that's just the beginning.  The next day we went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  Incredible!  We have flown around the Statue of Liberty, but this time we went inside of her and up on her pedestal.  It was amazing.  I found myself weepy.  If anyone needs a boost of patriotism, that's a great way to do it.  It's really overwhelming what this country has done.  Then we went on to Ellis Island which was also unbelievable.  More weeping!  To walk in the same building that the immigrants walked in was so neat.  But, to make it even more special, it's the walk that Todd's grandfather made in 1911.  On Ellis Island, there is a family research center that you can go in and research members.  The children and I went in and researched Joseph Peter Zaugg.  It was the coolest thing ever.  We felt like we were on the movie National Treasure, and we even got a tube with all his information in it.  Real documents with his manifest, ship, and were he was going.  More weeping!  the children were in awe!  One of the most special moments for sure!  And if that wasn't enough, we ended the night with a visit to the Fox New's headquarters.  My sweet friend, Shannon Jones, hooked me up with her brother, Thor Whitmire.  I mean Luke Whitmire.  Never mind that he looked like Thor.  Todd joined us, and we got to see the Hannity show being broadcast live.  Way cool!  The bonus was that Bobby Bowden was Hannity's guest.  Chancellor was dying!  We got to meet him.  If any of you have watched the Hannity show, he throws a football to someone (you can't see the someone).  Chancellor was the someone!  It did take him 2 tries to catch, but he did, and Bobby Bowden started asking him questions about where he played football!!!!  Can I say action packed again?  An unbelievable 2 days.  And, for those of you that might be concerned about New York, there are police everywhere.  Security is crazy.  But, die by the sword, well, you know what I would with that sword if I had to live in New York.........Off to Washington!  I wanted to post pictures, but I'm out of time.  I'm going to try and post pictures tonight from Boston and New York.

Callie and Todd 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Beginning is really the beginning!

Boston!  That's where we are starting this journey.  It's the beginning of our journey, and that's what Boston represents.  Everything started in Boston.  Boston is where our country began.  It has been an incredible week, and I can promise you that I have learned just as much as the children.  We have walked every inch of the freedom trail, eaten at this country's first resturant, went to the aquarium, and have packed in as much fun as we could.  We had several tours, and one of our tour guides reminded us so much of our poppa (Todd's father).  He was great!  Is this really the first week?  Some of you probably know that I lived in Boston as a child for a few years, so it's been neat seeing things that I saw as a child.  The 500 lb. sea turtle that's at the aquarium was even there when I was there!  So many times this week I was able to say to myself that all the hard work and effort to make this happen was worth it...........and it's just the beginning!  Beginnings!
Next up is New York.  Today is 9/11, so it does feel a little strange to be going.  I'm sure all will be well!  I must end with a note about our reason why we are doing this.  I had a friend that sent me an e-mail after reading the blog.  she said she had to admit that she thought we were crazy when she first heard about our plans.  Now, her mother has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, and she said she gets it now.  Interesting what makes us see life differently. 
Love to all of you!

Callie and Todd

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Year of CPR!

That's what I am doing.  A year of CPR.  Let me explain.  I think we would all agree that when you think of CPR, you think of life saving, live changing, and certainly recesitation.  That's what this year is to me, but CPR stands for my children, Chancellor, 16, Peyton, 12, and Rainey, 10.  And, no, this isn't some pitiful story of how bad my life is.  I have a wonderful life that God has richly blessed me with.  And, it's not because of homes, cars, jewelry, etc., it's because God has blessed me with the ability to love and live everyday.  My life is certainly not perfect, but I have a husband, Todd, that I love very much, and three children that are healthy and happy.  So you ask, "what's the need for CPR"?  It's about living, about living life to the fullest, and about knowing all to well how short life can be.  But, maybe I should start from the beginning.
About a year ago, my aunt was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  She is not just an aunt, but a second mother to me and another grandmother to my children.  So, you can imagine the effect it had on all of us.  If you are familiar with ovarian cancer, you know that the diagnosis is never great.  So, I had been with her during one of her surgeries, and I came home to my family.  I decided to be honest and tell them the truth about her diagnosis.  Chancellor, my oldest, simply said, "life is so short, why are we not doing something".  Simple words.  Words that have turned our lives upside down.  Todd and I looked at each other and said to Chancellor, "what do you mean"?  He said like seeing the world, doing as much as we can, and being together as a family.  Todd and I told him that we had dreamed of doing something like that, but we thought we had missed the window.  Now we know that there is no such thing as a window!  From that simple conversation, we as a family have decided to leave our "normal" lives behind, hit the road, and home school.  Yes, I said home school.  I hope all of you know that God does have a sense of humor.  I've declared two things in my life.  One, that I would never have two children in diapers at the same time.  I now have two children that are seventeen months apart.  And second, that I would never ever home school, and here I am home schooling three children by choice!  And, as Todd always says, look at the platapus, and you know that God has a sense of humor!  For all you folks that think you can't home school, you can!  If I can home school, anyone can.  But, I do have to give Gateway Christian Schools a shout out.  Talk about leading a horse to water.  I'm the horse (or actually mule).  They have guided me, counseled me, and have given me the confidence that I needed.
So here we are.  A year of CPR.  A year of life and living.  A year that I hope to be life changing and life altering.  What does that look like?  We are setting out to see and do as much as we can.  We are headed to the east coast to Boston, New York, Washington, and Philadelphia.  Then we leave for Europe where we will go to France, Switzerland, and Italy.  We are home for the holidays, and then we leave for the west coast and Hawaii.  We've been busy with school, so we could be ahead, but everyday will be a learning experience about history, culture, and life.  Todd said I have to pack in a small carry on bag for the entire trip.  Go ahead and laugh!  But, I've decided that there is something freeing about that also.  No decisions about what to wear, only 1 tube of lipstick instead of 10 to sort through, and who cares if I wear the same thing over and over!  The people in Europe sure don't care.  I'll be one of them!
So here we go!  And, I can honestly say that if something happened and we couldn't go on our trip, it's all still been worth it.  There is change in us.  I've seen a difference in my children as well!  Please keep us in your prayers.  With us, you never know where we might end up!  Happy trails, and see you in Boston (we leave Sept. 6th)!

Callie and Todd Zaugg
(Todd is the real writer of this family so hopefully he'll be blogging!)

P.s. My cousin sent me the neatest article on the top 15 things that kids should see before they are 15.  You'll find it interesting.  We're trying to scratch off as much as we can.  Take a look at it when you can!