Monday, September 17, 2012

The time has come

And, now the time has come to face my final curtain.  I am finally at a place where I can sit and write this blog.  Although our travel ended several months ago, I've been reluctant to write and truly let the adventure be over.  After the year we have had, I don't think the adventure will ever be over, at least I hope not!  People keep asking me how we are doing with getting back to normal life.  The children haven't missed a beat, but me on the other hand is a different story.  The fact that there are tears in my eyes as I type should be an indication.  The first two weeks of school were really tough.  Picture me standing in the driveway waving good by to my children as they left for school with tears streaming down my face.  Not pretty!  But, as we know, life does move on, and so I have to as well.

Life is an adventure and a journey.  I can tell you this past year has been both!  So much energy, work, prayers, and patience have gone into this "adventure," into this life.  When you think of an adventure, the connotation is positive even exotic and exciting.  When you say journey that brings about feelings of challenges, work and learning.  Well, I can tell you that this has been all of the above and then some.  Please don't think for a moment that it has been 1st class flying, room service and 5 star hotels...NOT.  It's been about truly seeing the world.  There is no way that we are coming back the same as when we left.  I have seen changes in all of us, and I pray that they stay.  Just to share a little.  Rainey was asked to articulate what the trip meant to her.  She didn't talk about the Eiffel Tower, coliseum or the Almafi coast.  She talked about how she felt so close to her brothers (forget her mom and dad!), and that she knew she would not have had this time with them in Memphis.  It's funny, at that point, Todd and I even questioned what she said (quietly to each other).  Our immediate thought was that we spend lots of family time together.  And then we really started thinking about the time we have and when you look at it, it's not that much!  So now I'm crying!  Life goes by way too fast and carpe diem has a whole new meaning right now.  Bottom line, life changes and alters all the time, let's hope it is for the good!

There is no way that I can end without thanking husband and our dad!  Just to make sure that you understand, Todd is the hardest working person I know.  Very rarely is Todd not working.  Thank goodness Todd loves what he does, but it's still work.  Thank you honey for being the hardest working person I know and for doing it for US!  I love you!  We love you!  Thank you for the trip of a lifetime....not really just for the trip but for our life!

When Todd was growing up, his family used to have FFF time....Forced Family Fun!  We've had our share of FFF, but we have changed the meaning thanks to Aunt Janice.  FFF for us is Faith Focus Finish, and we've managed to do that this year.  We've all learned and discovered on this trip.  Not just about the world but about ourselves.  My challenge is to keep that alive and well.  There were so many memories made.  If you have ever had the thought to do something like this, GO!  I encourage you to do it.  Notice the word encourage because you will need courage to do it.  And, that is what I am so proud of this family for.  We all had the courage to leave EVERYTHING and go!!

I have to share with you an article I read in Hawaii.  It was about an incredible woman that lived an even more incredible life.  Her name is Audrey Sutherland, and the thing that stands out the most is this.  She said, "Sometimes you have to go ahead and do the most important things, the things you believe in, and not wait until years later when you say,'I wish I had gone....done....kissed.'  What we most regret are not the errors we make, but the things we didn't do."  And, never forget what our taxi driver in France said to us, "Travel is the school of life."  We've earned straight A's!!!

Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts!  Love to all!

The Zauggs

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mountain Momma!

Oh my heck!  Oh my heck!  Which is what the Mormon's say!  I know I could be a mountain momma!  I have the same feeling when I look at the mountains as I do when I'm at the beach looking at the ocean..... God's Glory, God Majesty, and God's Abundant Blessing!  When you can take a picture in the Walmart parking lot because of your surroundings....well, that's when you know you are living right.  I could sit and stare at the mountains, but there is no time to sit.....lots to do in Park City, Utah!

To start from the beginning, the ride from Scottsdale to Utah was beautiful!  I always save things to do (pay bills, write notes, blog, etc.) and calls to make for the car rides, but I couldn't take my eyes off the landscape. The children kept thinking we were right next to the Grand Canyon that's how beautiful and amazing it was!  Then, as we approached Park City, the snow covered mountains were all around us and that's where mountain momma, take me home began!  I get to be a mountain momma for a month!  The first 2 weeks of being a mountain momma looked like this......skiing everyday after school work, pots of chili and mugs of hot chocolate, sledding, snowball fights and sucking in as much mountain air as possible.  It was way cool!  I told the children they might as well by Olympic athletes because that's the schedule we were keeping.  We would check the snow conditions and plan our ski time and school time around that.  And, of course, at the end of the day, the children would have tales from the mountain.....the terrain park and their new tricks they tried, how fast they went (can you believe there is an app that tracks that) and what new black diamond they conquered.  It was mountain living.  And that's what I loved....We LIVED in Park City!  Since we were there for a month and staying in a house, we got to feel what it would be like.  We got to experience a whole new life.  We even had friends and family visit.  As with any life, real life that is, there was plenty of laundry, cleaning, cooking and household chores......But at least I got to look at the mountains while I did them!

Let me tell you though, Park City is more than a ski town!  As the temperature got warmer and the snow conditions declined, we moved to all the other fun things that Park City offers.  We hiked.  We biked.  And, one of my favorites, we took a yoga class on a SUP (stand up paddle board) board in a 10,000 year old thermal crater filled with natural mineral water.  Hmmmmmm!  Only in Park City!  It was crazy and fun!  Todd and the kids went fly fishing for trout in the Provo river.  They had a ball!  They were with their cousins, waist high in the river!  Fly fishing is  an art and each of them seemed to catch on.  But, Rainey had the most natural talent!  Even the guide said she was a natural!  And, don't forget, that no matter what we did, the mountains were the backdrop!

You know, I've always wanted to be a rock star, but God didn't let that happen for a reason.  If I were a rock star, I would be in leather from head to toe and doing who knows what!  But, as we get older, things change....right now you are saying, "no kidding."  I'm talking about our thoughts, goals and desires....praise God!  So now, I wish I was an artist, but God didn't give me that talent either!  I'm talking stick people are a daunting task for me!  I have all these visions running around in my head from Tuscany landscapes, sunsets in Hawaii and sunrises in Park City.  I would give anything if I could take my memories and put them in an art form.  But when I truly think about it, in the end, my masterpiece would not be of a sunset, monument or landscape.  It would probably be stick figures representing my family in a circle, and that I can do (I think)!

It's hard to believe that this adventure is almost over.  I'm not going to lie, I've been fighting back some tears these past few days.  I'm not ready!  But, the bright side of that is that we all still love each other and haven't physically harmed each other!  So, the Beverly Hillbillies ride again tomorrow!  We've seemed to have acquired more "stuff," so our 24 hr. car ride is going to have very tight quarters, not to mention we will have a SUP board strapped to the top of the car.  A deal I couldn't refuse!  But, I did say Beverly Hillbillies didn't I?!

One more blog to go.  A few weeks of school to go.  A house to get reacquainted with.  A dog to prove to him that we will never leave him again.  Friends to see.  Family to visit.  And, life starts over again!  See you in Memphis!

Callie and Todd

The Wild, Wild West!

I'm talking hatchet throwing, pistol shooting, horseback riding, lassoing, skeet shooting, rock climbing, jeep riding, and hiking!  And, if you think I'm kidding, I'M NOT!

It was an amazing 3 weeks in Arizona.  And, most importantly, we accomplished what we really wanted to do.....spend an extended amount of quality time with Aunt Janice.  I can't remember if I mentioned that Janice lived with us for the first 3 months of Rainey's life.  In those 3 months, she became so integrated and connected to our family.  My children (at least Chancellor) still remember vividly her stay with us.  Since then, Janice would keep the children from time to time, but there has never been a long stay since then.  We know life moves on, people get busy, and children are in school.  When would anyone have 3 weeks to spend with someone?  Janice and Lee Ann opened their beautiful home (think pool, hot tub, and desert scape in the back yard) and were gracious hostesses to us.  The fact that they have never been married or had children and then a family of 5 moves in.....well, I'm surprised they survived!

Before some of you start thinking that all we are doing is playing and not learning.......WRONG!  Somehow we managed to get schoolwork done and learn and see things that we could only do in Arizona.  And isn't that what this is all about?  Yes, reading, writing, and arithmetic are important, but my hope is that we have all learned and taken from all the places we've been to.  So, back to Arizona.  We learned desert survival skills!  We know what cactus you can eat, what cactus we can get water from, and what cactus we can use as a compass.  We've learned rock climbing skills.  We've seen one of the seven wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon.  I knew I wanted my children to see this "God Wonder."  The Grand Canyon truly takes your breath away.  We had so much fun there.  We stayed at the oldest hotel on the rim of the canyon.  We watched documentaries, looked at art work, and learned about the native Americans.  Incredible!  Sedona was another fascinating place.  The red rock formations were also breathtaking.  We took a pink jeep tour that was insane!  Our guide was full of geological and environment information.  In case you are ever lost in the desert with me, and I have to perform surgery, I know what plant to use as a sedative and what plant we need to make tequila, so we've got our bases covered!  And, we keep learning......Janice hooked us up with a visit with a nutritionist.  Nutritionist Patti, or should I say "Perky Patti."  We met her as a family....our family and hers and what a treat that was.  It was an eye opener for all of us!  And, on that note, not only did Arizona give us a glimpse of life in the desert, but it was also the beginning of what I hope to be a healthier life style.  Each day began with lots of sunshine, devotional, walks and bike rides through the desert, and eating healthy!

But, you know what all work and no play will make you......So, we got plenty of play in!  We went to a spring training baseball game.  The Giants vs. the Rockies!  It was so fun.  Rainey even caught a ball!  And, I would be remiss if i didn't mention In and Out Burger!  My children think it should be illegal to not have an In and Out Burger in every state!

One of my highlights was hiking Camelback mountain in Scottsdale.  Janice, the kids and I set out with hydration backs and granola bars to take on the mountain.  A mountain that doesn't look that intimidating.  Boy, was I wrong!  It's a tough hike with lots of steep inclines and virtually rock climbing at the top.  And, it was worth every step!  The feeling we all had when we got to the top was priceless.  The sense of accomplishment on my children's faces was priceless.....And that's not something you can get in the classroom everyday!

The 3 weeks went by so fast!  We laughed and played games.  We sat up talking.  We got to live and enjoy our time with Janice.  We all have memories to last a lifetime!  So, it's off to Utah!  More adventures, more memories, and more of life!  See you in Park City!  Love and peace to all of you!



Monday, March 5, 2012

Maui Gold....

Aloha Maui!!  Maui had a different purpose from the beginning.  First of all, instead of staying for a week, we were only here for 3 days.  Secondly, instead of staying in a condo, we stayed at the Westin Resort that was a tropical paradise.  We decided we would splurge on these few days and kick back and you can think of Todd and I sitting on the beach with an umbrella drink in our hand!  The Westin was beautiful.  Of course, it's open air, but you walk "in" to waterfalls, pink flamingos, and exotic birds!  With 5 pools and a 250 ft. water slide, everyone was happy!  I could have sat on the balcony and watched the whales go by!  I get so excited every time I see one.  That is something that I would never get tired of seeing:  Pacific Humpback whales jumping out of the water!  We did manage to get in some "planned" activities.  We went to a Luau, and it was awesome.  We sat on the ground (that was optional, but when in Rome, or in this case, Hawaii), ate Hawaiian food, drank maitais and watched the hula show.  The show told the story of the Hawaiian people and their culture.  We loved it!  The children thought it was way cool!  Our other event was getting up at 3:00 in the morning to go to the top of this mountain, Mt. Haleakala, to see the sunrise, then get on bikes and bike 21 miles down.  So, here's how that went....We got to the top, and it was freezing.  Not just freezing but raining and sleeting as well.  We waited......keep in mind that we got up at 3:00 a.m. to do this.....then all of the sudden this Hawaiian woman started singing and chanting.  I mean with a force and determination like you have never seen.  Todd thought there was about to be a human sacrifice!  And then she stopped as abruptly as she started and said,"the sun was suppose to be up, guess it's not going to show up today."  Let's review, 3:00 a.m., no sun, freezing cold and wet, and now I have to bike 21 miles down............... hmmmmmmmmmm?  Thank goodness we were with a great group.  We decided to drive part way down to the point where the sun was out, and it wasn't raining, and bike the rest of the way down.  And, it was a blast!  We biked through eucalyptus trees, tropical flower farms, and fruit orchards.  The smell was amazing.  Don't forget that we made the trip up the mountain in the middle of the night, so in the dark we did not see any of this.  It's kind of like life isn't it?  When you live in darkness you see things totally different than when you live in light and with the light.  Can I get an amen on that one?!  And praise God for the light!  Although the adventure  didn't turn out exactly as planned, we had a great time and hopefully we will see the sunrise next time!  (They say it's a life changing experience to see the sunrise on Mt. Haleakala).  We've got lots to come back and do in Maui....and thank goodness, we can't wait to come back!  We've left lots to do on each island.  No sense in doing it all the first go around!  I'm already anticipating the question, "what was your favorite island"?  The Hawaiian islands are like my children.......all different, but each one brings something to the table!  Each one is beautiful and full of adventure and excitement!  We've had an amazing time in Hawaii.  We've lived a different life for sure, leaving the condo ready to snorkel, surf or hike, never knowing what beach or trail would call us.  We've had fresh fish everyday, served every way.  We've had the sweetest pineapple you have ever put in your mouth daily!  I don't think any of us are ready to leave.  And, that's how it should be!  Hawaii is known as the rainbow state, and we saw the most beautiful rainbows everyday.  I don't know about a green leprechaun at the end of the rainbow, but I do know there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and that is the islands itself.  Aloha Hawaii and mahalo for an incredible time!
On to the next adventure....We are headed to Scottsdale, AZ for a few weeks.  We're headed there to visit with Aunt Janice, the one that got all this started in the first place!  But don't worry, the adventure is not over.  My head is spinning with what she might have planned.....Grand Canyon, Sedona, desert tours, rock climbing and hiking!  And of course, there is In and Out burgers!  Todd has business in Scottsdale, and we are going to be on some serious school work!  Believe it or not, Peyton and Rainey are almost through with their entire curriculum!  Chancellor, not so much, but he's doing well!  Thank you to all of you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!  By the way,  Peyton's Blog has pictures and slideshows.  I'm not smart enough to put them on!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shame On You!!!

Shame on all of you that poo pooed the Big Island......All of you that said, "I can't wait to see what you think about the Big Island"......Those of you that said a week is way too long to stay on the Big Island....And finally, and the best one of all, those that said the Big Island looks like the inside of a bar-b-que pit!!!!  Let me tell you what our week on the Big Island looked like....To start, the Kona airport is the cutest outdoor airport you will ever see complete with live music and girls doing the hula.  If that doesn't set the mood, I don't know what will!  Next we took a zodiac (which is the inflatable boat that the navy seals ride in) to one of the best snorkel spots in the world.  And on our way to the snorkel spot, we all jumped out of the zodiac in the middle of the ocean.  Blue as far as the eyes can see!  Oh, and did I mention that while we were snorkeling in the bay, the bay where Captain Cook met his fate, the bay that had the most amazing coral reef and snorkeling that it felt like another world, yes, that bay, while we were snorkeling, there were 2 humpback whales playing chase in the bay.  They were breaching (jumping out of the water) and singing like crazy!  But, let's not stop there.  How about doing a half a mile zipline over a 300 ft. waterfall.....Hang on, I'm just getting warmed up.  What about getting into a helicopter and hovering over an ACTIVE volcano, actually seeing red, bubbly lava??  Yes, I realize that's a weeks worth right there but more is coming!  It's not everyday that you can walk down the beach and have to walk around 14 sea turtles and then meander to lunch in the most beautiful tropical setting you have ever seen, and then while you are eating right on the beach, you are watching whales come by!  And, finally, we had one of the coolest experiences ever!!  We went on a night manta ray dive and snorkel trip.  Can you imagine having to suck in your gut to keep a 1,500 lb. manta ray from running into you?  It was insane!!!  We went out in the afternoon on a boat outfitted for divers and snorkelers.  We did a late afternoon snorkel then everyone got back on the boat for a light dinner and briefing.  Once it was dark, the divers jumped in and went to the bottom and shinned big lights up towards the surface. The manta rays eat plankton, and the light illuminates the plankton.  So, what happens is the rays start from the bottom and flip and glide through the water all the way to the top which is where we were.  Remember the dinner and briefing?  We were told that we had to lay flat like superman so the manta rays won't run into you.  they actually told us it would be like a VW bug running into you.  O.K., so here I am, all my earthly posessions with me, Todd, Chancellor, Peyton, and Rainey.  It was insane and a blast!  And, Todd found something that suits him!  The manta rays loved Todd!  Never mind that he used Chancellor as a human shield a few times!  Truly, we were all inches away, and I mean like 3 inches away from the rays.  And, they come up to you with their mouths wide open and then flip to the top.  It was awesome!!!.....So, does that sound like a boring week?  An island that is boring, burnt, and bland?  We had incredible food and fun!  It was another wonderful week of the Zaugg adventures!  On to Maui....Maui Gold!  We're excited to see the famous Maui!  Aloha friends and family and love to you all!!!

Callie and Todd

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cheers to Oahu!

You know how things don't always go exactly as planned........Or, here's another one.......when life gives you lemons, make lemonade....Or, how about this, forget the lemonade and get a whole new drink!!  That's exactly what we did!  We got to Oahu and went to our "studio" condo in downtown Honolulu.  The "studio" had a murphy bed and pullout sofa that were difficult to have out at the same time.  It was kind of like a puzzle.  Not to mention, this place was from the 1940's.......funky!!!  And, there was a nightclub below us that played music until 4:00 in the morning.  We all looked at each other and said this was not going to goes the different drink!  Todd found us an amazing VRBO house that was right on the beach.  Which was not just any beach, it happened to be the prettiest beach on Oahu.  The house was wonderful with a huge green yard that went right to the beach.  the children were out the door throwing the football, frisbee, bocce ball, and playing croquette.  And, to make it even more perfect, there was the nicest family next door with 3 boys that almost lined up with ours.  The kids had a blast.  We all did!  And, now we have life time friends in Huntington Beach, CA.  It was a great week, and I enjoyed playing house in paradise.  We grilled steaks for the super bowl, hung out on the beach,  cooked more was awesome.  We did venture out to the North Shore part of the island to see the Bonzai pipeline which is where surf competitions are held and eat the famous garlic shrimp of the North Shore.  It was super cool!......Pearl Harbor was the highlight of the week.  It was overwhelming.  We toured a submarine, saw an amazing video about Pearl Harbor, and then went to the USS Arizona Memorial.  You want to talk about emotional.....watching people throw flowers in the water above the USS Arizona.  It was a memory that will be with me forever.  This is why we did this trip.  This feeling is why we did this trip.  And, the education for seeing Pearl Harbor is why we did this trip.  I have even more of an appreciation for our country and our veterans not to mention I understand the war a lot better now.......It was a wonderful relaxing week.  Todd got lots of work done, and we got school work done.  I got to SUP....stand up paddle board, and I love it.  We rented 2 for the week, so we all got to SUP.  Some of us were better than others......that's all I'm going to say about that!  I'm thinking we can SUP at Pickwick!  I wish I could show you Paradise which was out our backdoor.  Thank you honey for the amazing week.  In fact, the Obama's stay right down the beach where we were!....Hope all of you are well.  We are off to the Big Island.  We've got some fun things planned (night diving with manta rays)!  There will lots to report on I'm sure!  Love all of you!

Callie and Todd

Friday, February 3, 2012

"Fantasy Island"

We are not in Kansas anymore!  I have never seen anything like this place!  We are on the island of Kauai, and it is actually where they did film Fantasy Island.  Not to mention Jurassic Park, King Kong, Pirates of the Caribbean, Six Days and Seven Nights, and there are so many more.  It's the most surreal looking place.  I mean you are waiting for a dinosaur to come out at any moment!  But that's just the beginning.  This is "Island Mayberry".  Can you imagine the fastest speed limit being 40 mph?  There are tiny little villages everywhere.  It's the coolest place ever, and we have had a blast!  We have sailed right next to humpback whales (we even followed a mother and baby), we had spinner dolphins, bottle nose dolphins and sea turtles on that sail.  The whales were jumping put of the water which is called breaching.  It was an amazing sight!  We have walked right up to a Monk Seal which is the rarest mammal on earth.  We've snorkeled and seen the beautiful world that lives under the water, we snorkeled right beside sea turtles, and we took a surfing lesson (only one of us couldn't get the hang of it.  I'll let you guess which one that was!).  We celebrated Rainey's 11th birthday here, so we went on a helicopter ride that was absolutely amazing.  I want you to think waterfalls, gorgeous canyons and beaches.  The Na Pali coast should be seen by everyone.  But it's not just the scenery here.  It's the people and culture too!  Everyone is friendly and easy going, and you definitely feel this spiritual sense as soon as you get here.  It feels like another world.  So much so that we had to keep reminding Peyton that this is America.  Not only as a parent, but let's not lose sight of the fact that I am his teacher as well.  He couldn't quite get it!  Even the lady in the grocery store was having to tell him that this is America!  But I see it, and I understand because this is another place and another time !   The children are in love with surfing!  They surfed all day today, and Chancellor has an ugly war wound to prove it!  The fin on his board cut him across his chest, and I mean cut him across his chest.  It looks like a shark bite!  He loves his Hawaiian tattoo!  The first day we went snorkeling, we went to a beach called Tunnels Beach.  It was absolutely beautiful and great snorkeling.  Later that night, Todd and I found out that's the beach where Bethany Hamilton was when the shark attacked her (she's the soul surfer.  she lives on this island).  We decided not to tell the children, but somehow they found out.  I wish you could have seen there faces when they heard that!  It didn't stop them from getting back in!  At this moment, we are trying to decide how to stay here forever.  We've met 2 people that came for vacation and stayed forever.  We've even thought about what our jobs could be.  I could be a rooster eradicator.  That is a real job here on this island!  There are wild chickens everywhere!  And, the roosters crow all day long, including bright and early in the morning!  And, since no one wants to kill the roosters, they call the "rooster eradicator"!  Doesn't that sound like the perfect job for me!  There is a rooster crowing right outside my window right now!  For the most part, Kauai does not have air conditioning (we haven't seen any), so the windows are open all the time.  Perfect for rooster crowing!   We are off to Oahu next, and I am so excited.  I can't wait to see Pearl Harbor!  Oahu is the surfing island, so the children are very excited!  We thank God every day!  We are busy doing school work, Todd working and loving the world God gave us.  We do feel like Swiss Family Robinson right now.  Every day is an adventure.  We've explored the beaches, the food, and activities. Aloha and mahalo for checking in on us!

Callie and Todd

Friday, January 27, 2012

"On The Road Again"

On the road again, I can't wait to be on the road a band of gypsies we go down the highway.......Willie Nelson could not have said it better for me....on so many levels!!!  I'm so excited to be on the road again, and I definitely feel like a band of gypsies!  And, to keep the Willie Nelson theme going, which is by the way one of my all time favorites, I have felt like the Red Headed Stranger (one of Willie Nelson's greatest albums) since I've been home.  It's like I've had one foot in the door and one foot out the door.  Knowing we were going to be leaving again made being home interesting.  Of course, I still feel like I haven't said enough about last semester.  Even the children realized that things were different.  When we got home from Europe and called Todd (who was still in Europe), we were trying to describe how it felt being home.  Chancellor told Todd that everything looked and seemed different.  He said obviously it's not different BUT I SEE EVERYTHING DIFFERENTLY.  Amen, can I have a witness?!  Should I just stop right now.  My job is done!  NO, I think I'll keep on going!  We're off to Hawaii tomorrow.  We are going to Kauai, Oahu, Kona, and then Maui.  We've got snorkeling trips, helicopter trips, zip lines, hikes, surfing, and hopefully laying on the beach planned!  Then we are back to the main land to Scottsdale to spend some time with my Aunt (the one that got all this started in the first place!) and then who knows where.  Remember the gypsy part of the song......I wasn't kidding!  Lots of options!  We've got our car, clothes and passport ready!  We've been in California (Los Angeles) the past couple of days, and it has been fantastic.  80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky!  Right now I feel like I can take on the world......I've survived LA traffic!  Todd was busy working and the children and I found ourselves in the car exploring Universal Studios, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, Malibu and Santa Monica!  It has been a blast!  It was a busy Christmas with all of us working hard to get ready for this semester.  The children were confused why they were having to do school work during Chrismtas.  Rainey even asked if they were going to have to work on Christmas Eve, and of course my answer is always...maybe!  Todd worked like a dog all through Christmas.  I told him how is it possible that we had just spent the holidays together and never had time for a good conversation.  He's about to get some good conversations!  We are all very excited about the second half of our journey.  The only difficult thing was leaving Sam, our 4th child!  It was way worse this time, but I know he's snuggled up right at this moment next to Leah and Matt living the good life in Oxford.  Thank you Leah and Matt!  It puts a smile on our face knowing he's with you!  Love to all of you..... All I can say is.... this is going to be some kind of ride....hang on and hang ten!!!

Callie and Todd