Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shame On You!!!

Shame on all of you that poo pooed the Big Island......All of you that said, "I can't wait to see what you think about the Big Island"......Those of you that said a week is way too long to stay on the Big Island....And finally, and the best one of all, those that said the Big Island looks like the inside of a bar-b-que pit!!!!  Let me tell you what our week on the Big Island looked like....To start, the Kona airport is the cutest outdoor airport you will ever see complete with live music and girls doing the hula.  If that doesn't set the mood, I don't know what will!  Next we took a zodiac (which is the inflatable boat that the navy seals ride in) to one of the best snorkel spots in the world.  And on our way to the snorkel spot, we all jumped out of the zodiac in the middle of the ocean.  Blue as far as the eyes can see!  Oh, and did I mention that while we were snorkeling in the bay, the bay where Captain Cook met his fate, the bay that had the most amazing coral reef and snorkeling that it felt like another world, yes, that bay, while we were snorkeling, there were 2 humpback whales playing chase in the bay.  They were breaching (jumping out of the water) and singing like crazy!  But, let's not stop there.  How about doing a half a mile zipline over a 300 ft. waterfall.....Hang on, I'm just getting warmed up.  What about getting into a helicopter and hovering over an ACTIVE volcano, actually seeing red, bubbly lava??  Yes, I realize that's a weeks worth right there but more is coming!  It's not everyday that you can walk down the beach and have to walk around 14 sea turtles and then meander to lunch in the most beautiful tropical setting you have ever seen, and then while you are eating right on the beach, you are watching whales come by!  And, finally, we had one of the coolest experiences ever!!  We went on a night manta ray dive and snorkel trip.  Can you imagine having to suck in your gut to keep a 1,500 lb. manta ray from running into you?  It was insane!!!  We went out in the afternoon on a boat outfitted for divers and snorkelers.  We did a late afternoon snorkel then everyone got back on the boat for a light dinner and briefing.  Once it was dark, the divers jumped in and went to the bottom and shinned big lights up towards the surface. The manta rays eat plankton, and the light illuminates the plankton.  So, what happens is the rays start from the bottom and flip and glide through the water all the way to the top which is where we were.  Remember the dinner and briefing?  We were told that we had to lay flat like superman so the manta rays won't run into you.  they actually told us it would be like a VW bug running into you.  O.K., so here I am, all my earthly posessions with me, Todd, Chancellor, Peyton, and Rainey.  It was insane and a blast!  And, Todd found something that suits him!  The manta rays loved Todd!  Never mind that he used Chancellor as a human shield a few times!  Truly, we were all inches away, and I mean like 3 inches away from the rays.  And, they come up to you with their mouths wide open and then flip to the top.  It was awesome!!!.....So, does that sound like a boring week?  An island that is boring, burnt, and bland?  We had incredible food and fun!  It was another wonderful week of the Zaugg adventures!  On to Maui....Maui Gold!  We're excited to see the famous Maui!  Aloha friends and family and love to you all!!!

Callie and Todd

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