Thursday, November 10, 2011

We Survived Queen Rainey!

London! We survived Rainey, a.k.a. “Queen Elizabeth”! We all got along quite well, and it was nice to have English speaking people around! We took London easy…..I can tell our attention span has almost given out!
London is such a cool city that is full of wonderful history everywhere. Could it be because at one point the British empire controlled one fourth of the world and therefore took anything and everything they wanted……the Rosetta stone, the Cyprus cylinder, big stone Egyptian things that I’ve forgotten the names of….you get the point. Maybe London is so interesting because it’s a history that we know a little more about. Think of the movies: Elizabeth, The Queen, Robin Hood…..It was a fun place to visit that’s for sure.
The British museum is wonderful. And, the Tower of London is one of my favorite sights in all of Europe. Of course, the royal jewels are breathtaking. I picked out a thing or two in there and put it on my Christmas list! We went to the war bunkers of Winston Churchill and boy was that neat. They say the bunkers were closed after the war and left untouched and are now open to the public the way they were left. To hear them describe it, they turned the lights off and walked out, came back 60 years later and turned the lights on! Peyton really enjoyed it. We went to London’s “all seeing eye”, a huge Ferris wheel that moves very slowly…but think very huge. Westminster Abby was wonderful. Of course, the fact that the “royal wedding” took place there took precedence over all the REAL history……please! We ended our visit with, of course, seeing the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. The fanfare is awesome, but Todd and I couldn’t help but sing: oh, ee, oh….oooh. Which is from The Wizard of Oz. It’s what the guards of the wicked witch’s castle sing as they march! The Buckingham guards look just like the guard from The Wizard of Oz! We ended a great day and week with high tea at Harrod’s. How could we not! The boys were reluctant, but they even ended up enjoying it and impressed. Just riding up and down the escalator of Harrod’s is something!
I can’t believe this adventure is coming to an end. We’re off to Versailles to the end the trip. We’ll be there for 4 days and leave Todd there to work. I’m excited about getting back to Versialles. I love that little town, and I’m anxious for the kids to see it. Can’t believe I’ve only got one more blog to go for this leg of the trip. The timing seems to be perfect. We’re all about ready to be home for a little while. We’re anxious to see everyone and get ready for Christmas. London is already decked out for Christmas, so it got us all in the mood! By the way, I owe the British people and London and apology. I said they were boring and the food was bad…..wrong! We met some wonderful people (never mind that some of them were Australian), and we had some great food. We had the neatest little pub across the street called Union Tavern that felt like home to us. The children loved the food in England! Fish and chips like you’ve never had them! Shauny and Vince were the best!
See you all in a few days! Off to see the sun king’s castle!

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