Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Rome....I love the eternal city.  And, you know why they call it the eternal city?  It's called the eternal city because you can stand in one place and see structures that were built before Christ, after Christ and current day.  It's crazy!  Our week went way too fast.  There is way too much to see there, so you can only imagine how much I have to tell you.
The first day we did a tour of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum.  We had the coolest guide that had lots of energy and was passionate about his history.  Outside of the Colosseum there are all these men dressed up like gladiators in hopes that you will take your picture with them and pay them money.  Of course we did!  How funny that Todd and I took our picture 3 years ago with this same group!  Anyway, we walk up, and the next thing we know they are putting helmets on Chancellor and Peyton and putting a robe on Rainey!  The funniest thing was they called Chancellor Maximus and Peyton Minimus.  It was hilarious.  Peyton's name of Minimus has stuck, but I don't think he likes it as much as we do!  Rainey was of course.....Queen Rainey.  The pictures were great.  I'll try to post some.  Remember, technically challenged!  After all the fun pictues our guide, Francesco, took us to his favorite lunch place.  He was ordering, we didn't know what he was ordering, and then we didn't know what we were eating!  That's when Peyton  had "sand and insects"!  It was a great time. 
The next day, we kicked back and went to the Pantheon.  The Pantheon is one of the oldest buildings in Rome, but more importantly, it still looks pretty much the same.  It supposedly has one of the best preserved interiors in Rome, and the reason is that it was quickly turned into a church to avoid having barbarians plunder it's riches (now I'm starting to sound like a historian!  Trust me, my only goal in life is still to play tennis and have fun!).  The coolest thing for us about the Pantheon was a "flash mob" starting singing in it while we were there.  Well, it wasn't exactly a flash mob, probably a church choir of old people from somewhere that didn't speak English!  Because the Pantheon is a church, you are suppose to be quiet and not speak inside, so you can imagine when this group starting singing how awesome it was.  They might as well have been angels!  They sounded incredible.  I was looking for my lighter to raise up for them, just kidding!  But, we were very disappointed that they only sang one song.  And then we sat and prayed!
On to day 3.  I told you that we were busy!  Wednesday, we went to the Vatican.  But before I get to that, I've got to tell you something.  You know the old saying...."Input equals output"?  That has applied to us so many times on this trip.  Just when we say, let's don't do that or when we can't find something give up, we keep going and the output was well worth it.  Effort really is important in life!  The Vatican was one of those occasions.  Every Wed. the Pope speaks to the masses and holds a mass for the crowd.  We had to get up early to get there, and we were all tired, and we got up to it raining, and don't forget that were are not Catholic.  It was definitely and input = output time.  Todd and I said let's do it!  Most people don't get a chance to see the Pope.  Off we went!  And, because it was raining, the Pope did not speak in St. Peter's Square.  I can't even imagine that venue.  It would be incredible.  He spoke in more or less a vatican style auditorium.  We had tickets and got a seat, but I can't begin to tell you the amount of people that were there.  Sitting, standing, standing in the rain, they were everywhere.  They still televised it in St. Peter's.  We are so glad we went.  It was like being at a soccer game, and I'm not kidding.  Before the Pope comes out, they announce all the religious groups that are there.  People were waving there country flag, yelling and clapping.  It was crazy!  We had several American groups, even one from Wisconsin!  We got into it too, just a clapping and yelling.  And the Pope came out....they went crazy!  It really was something to see.  And, he said 2 sentences in English (that's right, we only understood 2 sentences in a 2 hour service!) but those 2 sentences could be the most simple and well said sentences I've every heard.  He said, "always stay close to Christ and keep the joy of the gospel with you always".  I'll give you a minute on that one.........You know to this day, I can honestly say that the most dynamic church service I have ever sat through was a Catholic service in Lousianna.  It didn't hurt that the Priest's name could have been Father What-a-waste!  Get it?  I'm talking Thornbirds material for sure!  My point is that even though I'm not Catholic, even though we couldn't understand a word the Pope was saying, we are part of the Holy Catholic Church.  The Holy Catholic Church means that we as Christians are Christ's church.  Wow, sorry, didn't meant to get on that.  Back to The Vatican.  After the service, we met our guide for the museum, Vinni.  He was great.  The Vatican museum should be on everyone's bucket list.  The Sistine Chapel is something to see.  St. Peter's Basilica is breathtaking.  Michelangelo's Pieta sculpture of Mary holding Jesus after his crucifixion will bring you to your knees.  It was a long day, but again, input = output for sure.
Can you believe that was all in 3 days.  Then there was the Trevi fountain, Museum of Rome, the Borghese Gallery, and more.  If you ask the children what was the highlight, they would probably say ridding Segways through the park.  We ended Rome with seeing the jail where Peter and Paul were kept before their execution.  Another moment of tears for sure.
It was a great week.  Sadly we ended the week with Chancellor getting the stomach bug while we were all having to stay in 2 rooms.  Not pretty.  But, he did recover, so we're off to Naples which even the Italians say is the "wild wild west"!  Even we have gotten a little nervous!  Just keep us is your prayers.  Miss all of you.  Can't believe that we will be home in 2 weeks!

Callie and Todd


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