Monday, April 16, 2012

Mountain Momma!

Oh my heck!  Oh my heck!  Which is what the Mormon's say!  I know I could be a mountain momma!  I have the same feeling when I look at the mountains as I do when I'm at the beach looking at the ocean..... God's Glory, God Majesty, and God's Abundant Blessing!  When you can take a picture in the Walmart parking lot because of your surroundings....well, that's when you know you are living right.  I could sit and stare at the mountains, but there is no time to sit.....lots to do in Park City, Utah!

To start from the beginning, the ride from Scottsdale to Utah was beautiful!  I always save things to do (pay bills, write notes, blog, etc.) and calls to make for the car rides, but I couldn't take my eyes off the landscape. The children kept thinking we were right next to the Grand Canyon that's how beautiful and amazing it was!  Then, as we approached Park City, the snow covered mountains were all around us and that's where mountain momma, take me home began!  I get to be a mountain momma for a month!  The first 2 weeks of being a mountain momma looked like this......skiing everyday after school work, pots of chili and mugs of hot chocolate, sledding, snowball fights and sucking in as much mountain air as possible.  It was way cool!  I told the children they might as well by Olympic athletes because that's the schedule we were keeping.  We would check the snow conditions and plan our ski time and school time around that.  And, of course, at the end of the day, the children would have tales from the mountain.....the terrain park and their new tricks they tried, how fast they went (can you believe there is an app that tracks that) and what new black diamond they conquered.  It was mountain living.  And that's what I loved....We LIVED in Park City!  Since we were there for a month and staying in a house, we got to feel what it would be like.  We got to experience a whole new life.  We even had friends and family visit.  As with any life, real life that is, there was plenty of laundry, cleaning, cooking and household chores......But at least I got to look at the mountains while I did them!

Let me tell you though, Park City is more than a ski town!  As the temperature got warmer and the snow conditions declined, we moved to all the other fun things that Park City offers.  We hiked.  We biked.  And, one of my favorites, we took a yoga class on a SUP (stand up paddle board) board in a 10,000 year old thermal crater filled with natural mineral water.  Hmmmmmm!  Only in Park City!  It was crazy and fun!  Todd and the kids went fly fishing for trout in the Provo river.  They had a ball!  They were with their cousins, waist high in the river!  Fly fishing is  an art and each of them seemed to catch on.  But, Rainey had the most natural talent!  Even the guide said she was a natural!  And, don't forget, that no matter what we did, the mountains were the backdrop!

You know, I've always wanted to be a rock star, but God didn't let that happen for a reason.  If I were a rock star, I would be in leather from head to toe and doing who knows what!  But, as we get older, things change....right now you are saying, "no kidding."  I'm talking about our thoughts, goals and desires....praise God!  So now, I wish I was an artist, but God didn't give me that talent either!  I'm talking stick people are a daunting task for me!  I have all these visions running around in my head from Tuscany landscapes, sunsets in Hawaii and sunrises in Park City.  I would give anything if I could take my memories and put them in an art form.  But when I truly think about it, in the end, my masterpiece would not be of a sunset, monument or landscape.  It would probably be stick figures representing my family in a circle, and that I can do (I think)!

It's hard to believe that this adventure is almost over.  I'm not going to lie, I've been fighting back some tears these past few days.  I'm not ready!  But, the bright side of that is that we all still love each other and haven't physically harmed each other!  So, the Beverly Hillbillies ride again tomorrow!  We've seemed to have acquired more "stuff," so our 24 hr. car ride is going to have very tight quarters, not to mention we will have a SUP board strapped to the top of the car.  A deal I couldn't refuse!  But, I did say Beverly Hillbillies didn't I?!

One more blog to go.  A few weeks of school to go.  A house to get reacquainted with.  A dog to prove to him that we will never leave him again.  Friends to see.  Family to visit.  And, life starts over again!  See you in Memphis!

Callie and Todd

The Wild, Wild West!

I'm talking hatchet throwing, pistol shooting, horseback riding, lassoing, skeet shooting, rock climbing, jeep riding, and hiking!  And, if you think I'm kidding, I'M NOT!

It was an amazing 3 weeks in Arizona.  And, most importantly, we accomplished what we really wanted to do.....spend an extended amount of quality time with Aunt Janice.  I can't remember if I mentioned that Janice lived with us for the first 3 months of Rainey's life.  In those 3 months, she became so integrated and connected to our family.  My children (at least Chancellor) still remember vividly her stay with us.  Since then, Janice would keep the children from time to time, but there has never been a long stay since then.  We know life moves on, people get busy, and children are in school.  When would anyone have 3 weeks to spend with someone?  Janice and Lee Ann opened their beautiful home (think pool, hot tub, and desert scape in the back yard) and were gracious hostesses to us.  The fact that they have never been married or had children and then a family of 5 moves in.....well, I'm surprised they survived!

Before some of you start thinking that all we are doing is playing and not learning.......WRONG!  Somehow we managed to get schoolwork done and learn and see things that we could only do in Arizona.  And isn't that what this is all about?  Yes, reading, writing, and arithmetic are important, but my hope is that we have all learned and taken from all the places we've been to.  So, back to Arizona.  We learned desert survival skills!  We know what cactus you can eat, what cactus we can get water from, and what cactus we can use as a compass.  We've learned rock climbing skills.  We've seen one of the seven wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon.  I knew I wanted my children to see this "God Wonder."  The Grand Canyon truly takes your breath away.  We had so much fun there.  We stayed at the oldest hotel on the rim of the canyon.  We watched documentaries, looked at art work, and learned about the native Americans.  Incredible!  Sedona was another fascinating place.  The red rock formations were also breathtaking.  We took a pink jeep tour that was insane!  Our guide was full of geological and environment information.  In case you are ever lost in the desert with me, and I have to perform surgery, I know what plant to use as a sedative and what plant we need to make tequila, so we've got our bases covered!  And, we keep learning......Janice hooked us up with a visit with a nutritionist.  Nutritionist Patti, or should I say "Perky Patti."  We met her as a family....our family and hers and what a treat that was.  It was an eye opener for all of us!  And, on that note, not only did Arizona give us a glimpse of life in the desert, but it was also the beginning of what I hope to be a healthier life style.  Each day began with lots of sunshine, devotional, walks and bike rides through the desert, and eating healthy!

But, you know what all work and no play will make you......So, we got plenty of play in!  We went to a spring training baseball game.  The Giants vs. the Rockies!  It was so fun.  Rainey even caught a ball!  And, I would be remiss if i didn't mention In and Out Burger!  My children think it should be illegal to not have an In and Out Burger in every state!

One of my highlights was hiking Camelback mountain in Scottsdale.  Janice, the kids and I set out with hydration backs and granola bars to take on the mountain.  A mountain that doesn't look that intimidating.  Boy, was I wrong!  It's a tough hike with lots of steep inclines and virtually rock climbing at the top.  And, it was worth every step!  The feeling we all had when we got to the top was priceless.  The sense of accomplishment on my children's faces was priceless.....And that's not something you can get in the classroom everyday!

The 3 weeks went by so fast!  We laughed and played games.  We sat up talking.  We got to live and enjoy our time with Janice.  We all have memories to last a lifetime!  So, it's off to Utah!  More adventures, more memories, and more of life!  See you in Park City!  Love and peace to all of you!
