Monday, September 17, 2012

The time has come

And, now the time has come to face my final curtain.  I am finally at a place where I can sit and write this blog.  Although our travel ended several months ago, I've been reluctant to write and truly let the adventure be over.  After the year we have had, I don't think the adventure will ever be over, at least I hope not!  People keep asking me how we are doing with getting back to normal life.  The children haven't missed a beat, but me on the other hand is a different story.  The fact that there are tears in my eyes as I type should be an indication.  The first two weeks of school were really tough.  Picture me standing in the driveway waving good by to my children as they left for school with tears streaming down my face.  Not pretty!  But, as we know, life does move on, and so I have to as well.

Life is an adventure and a journey.  I can tell you this past year has been both!  So much energy, work, prayers, and patience have gone into this "adventure," into this life.  When you think of an adventure, the connotation is positive even exotic and exciting.  When you say journey that brings about feelings of challenges, work and learning.  Well, I can tell you that this has been all of the above and then some.  Please don't think for a moment that it has been 1st class flying, room service and 5 star hotels...NOT.  It's been about truly seeing the world.  There is no way that we are coming back the same as when we left.  I have seen changes in all of us, and I pray that they stay.  Just to share a little.  Rainey was asked to articulate what the trip meant to her.  She didn't talk about the Eiffel Tower, coliseum or the Almafi coast.  She talked about how she felt so close to her brothers (forget her mom and dad!), and that she knew she would not have had this time with them in Memphis.  It's funny, at that point, Todd and I even questioned what she said (quietly to each other).  Our immediate thought was that we spend lots of family time together.  And then we really started thinking about the time we have and when you look at it, it's not that much!  So now I'm crying!  Life goes by way too fast and carpe diem has a whole new meaning right now.  Bottom line, life changes and alters all the time, let's hope it is for the good!

There is no way that I can end without thanking husband and our dad!  Just to make sure that you understand, Todd is the hardest working person I know.  Very rarely is Todd not working.  Thank goodness Todd loves what he does, but it's still work.  Thank you honey for being the hardest working person I know and for doing it for US!  I love you!  We love you!  Thank you for the trip of a lifetime....not really just for the trip but for our life!

When Todd was growing up, his family used to have FFF time....Forced Family Fun!  We've had our share of FFF, but we have changed the meaning thanks to Aunt Janice.  FFF for us is Faith Focus Finish, and we've managed to do that this year.  We've all learned and discovered on this trip.  Not just about the world but about ourselves.  My challenge is to keep that alive and well.  There were so many memories made.  If you have ever had the thought to do something like this, GO!  I encourage you to do it.  Notice the word encourage because you will need courage to do it.  And, that is what I am so proud of this family for.  We all had the courage to leave EVERYTHING and go!!

I have to share with you an article I read in Hawaii.  It was about an incredible woman that lived an even more incredible life.  Her name is Audrey Sutherland, and the thing that stands out the most is this.  She said, "Sometimes you have to go ahead and do the most important things, the things you believe in, and not wait until years later when you say,'I wish I had gone....done....kissed.'  What we most regret are not the errors we make, but the things we didn't do."  And, never forget what our taxi driver in France said to us, "Travel is the school of life."  We've earned straight A's!!!

Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts!  Love to all!

The Zauggs